Remember three years ago when we were all, "Gitmo SUXXX" and "NO MORE WAR TRIBUNALS! Bush is a no-good, war-mongering jerk!"? And then we elected that one guy to make it all go away and he was like, "I'm gonna close Gitmo in one year!" and "we're gonna try everybody in civilian courts (because our justice system is fine, thank you very much)." Well, Mission Accomplished, folks! APRIL FOOLS LOL!
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is set to announce on Monday afternoon that he has cleared military prosecutors at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to file war-crime charges against Mr. Mohammed and four others accused in the Sept. 11 case. Mr. Holder had decided in November 2009 to move the case to a federal civilian courtroom in New York City, but a political backlash shut down that plan.